Muscle Pubococcygeus

Almost no-one has ever heard of the muscle pubococcygeus. Fewer people yet know what sort of potential it holds for a man living an active sex life.

This amazing muscle is located inside your body, more specifically in the pelvic region and is one of the muscles giving you the capability to stop the flow of urine even if your bladder is not completely empty yet. Because of this function, it is also this muscle that you can use to prevent yourself from ejaculating during an orgasm. Thus, it is actually possible to have non-ejaculatory orgasms.

Non-ejaculatory orgasms?! Yep, that's right. I find it surprising how few men have even encountered this. Nevertheless it is an ability which is completely acquirable. It doesn't require anything special, pricy or harmful on your part, like drugs, surgery or mechanical devices.

The muscle pubococcygeus is the key. After some practice, this awesome muscle will give you the ability to hold back your ejaculation in its tracks. Curiously, doing this does not interfere with your orgasm! You don't ejaculate, but you still have your orgasm and you retain your erection!

In this manner, you can essentially make love for as long as you wish. Each time you are close to ejaculation, you use this powerful muscle of yours and keep on going. This is the power of the muscle pubococcygeus. This skill is all about practice and probably won't appear instantly. But it certainly isn't as difficult as one might think and should take only some 10-15 minutes a day.

Before you start, you will have to locate this powerful muscle. Here is a simple way. Go to the bathroom when you feel like taking a leak and start urinating. Once you have it flowing, simply pause the flow and hold it. You have probably done this thousands of times during your lifetime, so it should be quite obvious how to do it. Now notice that in to stop urinating, you had to contract the muscles in your pelvic region. One of them is the muscle pubococcygeus.

Try exercise a couple more times until you are familiar with how to tense the muscles in your pelvic region in order to stop peeing. Then go take a seat on a chair and make yourself comfortable. Try squeezing the muscles in your pelvis as if you were trying to stop the flow of urine. Obviously you are not actually peeing this time, but you want to go through the same process with your pelvic muscles as when you stopped the flow of pee.

If you managed, that's great! You have accomplished the first step towards gaining control over this amazing muscle. In case you don't understand how to squeeze the muscle, just repeat the urination exercise and try to really get a definite feeling for the motion of the muscles in your pelvis.

When you have "found" the muscle, the next phase is to begin training it. You may find that exercising this muscle is similar to working out any other muscle . However, that is nevertheless a huge topic and unfortunately I won't be able to cover it in this little article.

If you are interested in acquiring further skills, you can have a look at the website below this article for more information. The website provides a full course on attaining total control over the muscle pubococcygeus and other sexual abilities.

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